Saturday, March 13, 2010

Are You An Exercise Addict? Take A Quiz to Find Out.

My work at the University of Colorado entails finding causes for drug addiction and other drug use behaviors. I am in the process of writing a grant and in the course of my research I happened upon an article dealing with another type of addiction, exercise addiction. I eagerly read the article to determine if my self-diagnosed exercise addiction is indeed a clinical condition. Of course, it is easy to explain away the hours of exercise as “training” for the next big event, but, truly, wouldn’t I be out there logging miles anyway?

The paper (Terry et al., 2004) presented a six statement questionnaire that offers a 5-point response option where a 1 means that you strongly disagree with the statement and a 5 indicating that you strongly agree. I took the quiz, and for the sake of completeness, I had my husband answer the questions on my behalf, just to see how he perceives my exercising.  Grab a pen and paper and answer the questions. Be honest, nobody is judging (how can we? I am sure we are all high scorers).

Strongly disagree Neither agree or disagree Strongly agree
1. Exercise is the most important thing in my life. 1 2 3 4 5
2. Conflicts have arisen between me and my family due to the amount of exercise I do. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I use exercise as a way of changing my mood. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Over time I have increased the amount of exercise I do. 1 2 3 4 5
5. If I have to miss a session I feel moody. 1 2 3 4 5
6. If I cut down on the amount of exercise I do I start again and end up exercising as much as before. 1 2 3 4 5

If you scored a 24 or higher, congratulations, you are an exercise addict. I scored a 26 and my husband scored me at 27. We both agreed that I am a 5 on questions 3, 5, and 6. My mother, a non-athlete scored the lowest possible score, a 6. My husband scored a middling 20. Without a doubt, exercise makes me happy and if I have to miss a workout due to injury, illness, tiredness, lack of time or any other reason for that matter, I become grouchy. I suppose at the next race we can have a support group for exercise addiction. The topics would include: how to lessen the importance of exercise in our lives, how to better balance our addiction with other life obligations, and finding alternative methods for mood improvement. The pre-race meeting would be a perfect time to hold this summit since just about everybody entered in the race would receive a pathological number on this quiz.

What was your score? Please share!

Terry, A., Szabo, A., Griffiths, M. (2004). The Exercise Addiction Inventory: A New Brief Screening Tool. Addiction Research and Theory. 12(5): 489-99.


  1. Okay so what if I got a 29???

    I am over to run missing an hour of sleep because of the time change. I say that adds to it...

  2. Brandon is a terrible coach if I'm scoring lower than him... 27 pffff.

  3. well, i cannot say i am surprised. i exercise a great deal. however, my success in sport is directly dependent upon it. I prefer to think of my exercise volume as extreme dedication and discipline. if addiction is equated with discipline and sacrifice then i must be an addict. However, i prefer my "addiction" to exercise to the addictions i used to be beholden to score =29.

  4. I'm a 27. Seems odd that I would score higher than you, Joanna, a professional triathlete. Clearly, I am just more dedicated than you are. Or more anal-retentive, or obsessive, or something.

  5. score=23

    Seems about right to me. on the edge of addiction. but i constantly remind myself that i'm into triathlon for the fun of it. it's not like at age 45 i'm going to turn pro. so, i don't take it as seriously as some.

  6. Lara -- Believe it or not, I have decreased the amount of exercise I do! I used to do lots of junk miles which Phil has cut right out of the schedule.

  7. Lara -- Believe it or not, I have decreased the amount of exercise I do! I used to do lots of junk miles which Phil has cut right out of the schedule.

    Um... x2 :) Go fast... or go sleep. :)


  8. 23 for me! Does it count if am not quite forty yet?

    David :)

  9. I am surprised I did not score higher. I think because I scored low on the first two questions. I have small children, and they are my top priority. My husband is super supportive and he and I work out our exercise schedules. The other ones wee on the higher side of the spectrum.

    Interesting post.

  10. 29, dig it!!! Dang, should have been a 30.......I suck.......

  11. 24, but maybe I'm fooling myself, because I think I recognize a lot of the names of the other posters.....I will say this: I don't think any of us really want to get rid of this addiction; we just wish others would accept us for our heavy-breathing ways!

  12. I got 17 - I've had back surgery and a couple of bad bike crashes. Staying uninjured is most important to me, and that means moderation some of the time. Less is more.

  13. I scored a 27... Hello, my name is Maggie and I am an exercise addict...!

    I guess I'd like to see how I score in the middle of the winter!

  14. Sunshine Gal:o)

    My score is my passion and it's want keeps me healthy and's the BEST stress reliever....I try to motivate others to exercise and experience the feeling of accomplistment and to make a lifestyle change for the is have a choice...start baby step at a time:D

  15. Close one, not an addict, 23.

    Perhaps this follows my thinking that taper and recovery run a close second to race day. Training, well... it's overrated and just a necessity for what I need to do on race day. Also a good excuse to hang out with friends.

  16. I scored a 21. Hey Mark, when you need a break, give me a call.

  17. 15 baby....does that make me an apathist??

  18. Yep, 26. When I saw this initially I though (hoped) I'd be lower but... my name is Krysten and I am an Exercise-aholic. :)

  19. very interesting and slightly disturbing as I am officially an addict, yet i believe it makes me a happier, better person. conflicting!!!

  20. Amazingly, a 20. I would have thought it would be much higher..

  21. i scored my self a 23 ironically, but i could be lieing to myself, so ill ask my wife.
